How to logcat multiple devices at the same time?

How to logcat multiple devices at the same time?

This is actually very easy:

– Just to be sure that you’ll know which terminal (I’m on Mac) window represents which device, unplug all devices first.

– Plug your first device, type “adb devices” and write down your device ID (or just a part of it)

– Plug your next device and type “adb devices” again (you should have now two entries) .. and so on, you got the idea 😉

– Open a new terminal tab

– To monitor one specific plugged device type “adb -s XXXXX logcat -s Unity” where XXXXX is your device ID (copy and paste it from the other terminal tab to here)

– Open another terminal tab, type again “adb -s YYYYY logcat -s Unity” where YYYYY is your second device ID, and so on.

– The first “adb -s” Searches for the device ID, the second “adb -s” will search for a tag inside the logcat so you can search for “FlurryAgent” for example to show your Flurry activity here.

You can also use a different syntax, like this:

adb logcat -s XXXXX AdColonyRewardedVideo:V AdColony:V MoPub:V Unity:V AnotherTag:I *:S

In this case we still search for the device in the first “-s” but I’m adding several tags and also filtering them by their priority level. The “V” means that the tag will be exposed in the Verbose level, which is the lowest one, so you should see everything from that tag. The “*:S” at the end basically means that everything else (“*”) will be ignored (“:S” == Silent)

From the Google Docs about logcat:

The priority is one of the following character values, ordered from lowest to highest priority:

  • V: Verbose (lowest priority)
  • D: Debug
  • I: Info
  • W: Warning
  • E: Error
  • F: Fatal
  • S: Silent (highest priority, on which nothing is ever printed)


That’s it.. very useful to debug multiplayer games 😉

Other usefull shortcuts:

– Command + K : will clear your Mac terminal window
– adb logcat -c : will clear your logcat log

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