How to avoid App Store rejection when uploading your game?
I’ll update this list with real examples of Apple rejection 🙂
What you should NOT do when uploading your game:
– First of all, do NOT assume that your game will be reviewed in a couple days.. this can take 14 days or more AND your game can be rejected at the end … so be prepared for that. It’s a good practice to consider 20 days, at least, before the launch date;
– Do NOT use any logo owned by Apple in your game, this includes the Game Center logo. Some reviewers can even let this go through but its better to make your own version of the Game Center logo and use that instead. Unfortunately Apple does not offer something like Google do with Google Play Game Services Brand Guidelines which is a real pain in the ass…. We are developing games that use Game Center functionality but we can’t use Game Center logo :B .. Great Apple, great!

– If you have Game Center Leaderboards and Achievements, do NOT forget to include them in iTunes Connect (plus sign buttons):

– If you are using Facebook Login, do NOT expect that the reviewer will use a test account in your Facebook Login. He / She will probably NOT use that and use a specific internal test user account instead, so: Make your Facebook App public before submitting it to Apple, or at least make it public when the review process has been started. This is bad because people can now find your game on Facebook before it even exists on App Store. Great Apple, really great!
– Bugs! Smash all your bugs, at least the interface and obvious ones. If the reviewer find a bug, for example a overlay screen that do not close anymore, your app will be rejected. But this should not be a problem right? We will not upload games with known bugs, right?